Cheat Codes from a Job Seeker
2 min readJul 20, 2022
I had the chance to do some 1 on 1 work with John-Michael but he still went over a lot of good nuggets for folks entering the job search! Hope you enjoy!
Here is the link to the episode:
Tips from John Michael…
- Keep going until you find what is the perfect fit for you. Keep interviewing, you will meet new people and will eventually find the perfect gig.
- Talk to as many recruiters as you can, I spoke to over 50 different recruiters. It was an enormous amount of time management but the knowledge and information I gained was worth the effort.
- Set up an email address specifically for recruiter communicating
- Set up a Trello or to manage the information from the calls and interviews
- The benefit of doing an enormous amount of recruiter calls makes you more comfortable with who you are and how you present yourself. Less about trying to prove something and more about connecting and building your network. I was better at telling my story because I developed so much experience pre-interviewing with the recruiter.
- Preferred the phone call up front then transition to Zoom at the later stages with recruiters. Saved on time and energy.
- Ask questions, a vibe check if you will. ”Do you have any concerns about me in this role”? “What is going to prevent me from getting this, how do you feel”?
- Dive into the perks and culture with the hiring manager. Unlimited PTO, Friday happy hours, rest and relaxation sprints, shifting mental models. Unlimited PTO perk is one of those things that can be awesome or has the option to be abused.