7 Tips to Improve Your LinkedIn Profile
2 min readSep 23, 2022
Big thing I learned from leading two sessions? Fear. 99% of y’all won’t get started putting yourself out there because you are scared of being wrong or being judged. Forget that…just start posting about what you are passionate about online!
I talk about building out your LinkedIn profile a ton because IT’S SO IMPORTANT in today’s virtual professional landscape. Here is a quick checklist that you need to be mindful of…
If you want to listen to the episode here you go: https://open.spotify.com/episode/0W2U6kcTUWN1lgZZYAILlY?si=O5ClZ6WUT3md9TJx_i1FJg
- Banner Cover Photo Thingy — this is the one thing that draws people into your profile make sure it tells me about YOU. Not some random quote or a picture of your favorite mountain
- Profile Picture — this is your future employers first impression of you! Make sure I can see your face you look approachable!
- Title — the words under your profile pic. This needs to be specific on either what you do or what you want to do. This is your profiles SEO.
- Featured Section — this is where you can ‘link out’ to other work you have done. DO NOT put your resume here but link to github, portfolios etc.
- About Section — needs to be short and to the point. Include your main skills you are learning or have learned.
- Experience Section — like I mentioned this is a SUMMARY of what you are doing or have done. 3–4 bullet points at the most
- Recommendations — gotta have them. They make your profile stand out. Gives you more credibility whether you like that or not.